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Green Tariffs

Obtain Approvals to Participate

While every city and every deal is different, there are some key topics that consistently come up during the approval process. You should be ready to:

  • Demonstrate how the green tariff contributes to meeting your city’s sustainability and renewable energy goals.
  • Explain what the city will be able to claim once you have started to participate.
  • Emphasize how the program aligns with other priorities identified in the Getting Started: Clarify Your City’s Priorities section.
  • Outline high-level program details and your proposed approach, including factors such as: program term, total volume to be purchased, and the specific accounts to be served.
  • Present the economics of the program. Be prepared to review the results of your prepared economic analysis including: how the green tariff will differ from the current electric service charge, and whether it will result in any potential savings or costs. Having your city’s CFO sign off on the green tariff may be enough for approval. Some decision-makers, however, may want a more granular picture of the program’s expected economics and/or a sensitivity analysis to illustrate the range of potential outcomes.

During the approval process, it can be useful to showcase the internal and external support for the program, demonstrate buy-in across the affected parties, and list the individuals and departments that have approved the green tariff approach. Highlighting this support may increase the likelihood of approval by the final decision-makers.

Consider using our Pitch Deck Checklist for Local Governments to ensure you are strategically presenting this program as you seek buy-ins, stakeholder support, and approvals.”
