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Green Tariffs

Share Your Story

There is great value in sharing your story—it allows you to demonstrate the value or anticipated impact associated with your utilization of the green tariff. For example, you may want to highlight how using the green tariff program will help your city achieve its renewable energy goals or how the green tariff program aligns with other internal or community priorities. To further explore how to speak about your impact and describe what you accomplished and how, see Chapter V in the Environmental Protection Agency’s Describing Purchaser Impact in U.S. Voluntary Renewable Energy Markets report.

Your press office or communications team should work closely with your utility prior to releasing any announcements. While cities may want to immediately share project details and celebrate progress toward their sustainability goals, the timing and communication of key program terms may require coordination and agreement with your utility. Furthermore, you will want to work with your utility to ensure the information you share is accurate. For example, claims about renewable energy consumption, RECs, and other renewable energy accounting and reporting requirements should be confirmed with the utility.

When you are ready to develop your communications products, (e.g., blogs, press releases, case studies, fact sheets), you can leverage existing communication resources. The City Energy Project has created several resources with tips, recommendations, and examples of how to communicate your progress and work with the media and community stakeholders. While these resources and examples were designed for energy efficiency projects, many of the core principles and tips may also be useful for renewable energy efforts.


  • A strategy to stay informed of any green tariff implementation changes
  • Informed stakeholders who can accurately describe the outcomes of the green tariff program and can relate these outcomes to the city’s goals and priorities