The U.S. Renewable Energy Map illustrates where customers can buy large-scale renewable energy via green tariffs.
Financing Community-Based Solar Projects: Case Studies from the Field
SEPA’s report explores different financing options through a series of six case studies based on in-depth interviews with utilities and project developers.
PV Mapper
The U.S. Department of Energy’s PV Mapper is a free, open-source tool that allows users to search for and compare potential sites for utility-scale solar projects.
Community Solar Business Case Tool

The Community Solar Business Case Tool provides a flexible financial model that projects the costs and benefits to the system developer and subscriber of a single community solar project. This tool can be particularly helpful for estimating subscription cost management and options.
Unlocking Solar for Low- and Moderate-Income Residents: A Matrix of Financing Options by Resident, Provider, and Housing Type
NREL’s report aims to identify the most promising strategies state policymakers might consider using to finance PV for low- and moderate-income customers across three housing types: single family, multi-family, and manufactured housing.
Financing Community-Scale Solar
RMI’s Financing Community Scale Solar Brief provides an overview of community solar, financing structures, and risks.
Community Solar for Low- and Moderate-Income Consumers
Slides produced by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory for a Clean Energy States Alliance webinar outline the advantages and disadvantages of various low- and moderate-income community solar programs design options.
Design and Implementation of Community Solar Programs for Low- and Moderate-Income Customers
This report draws from literature and interviews with representatives from solar developers and state community solar programs to provide experience on low- and moderate-income community solar design.
Quarterly Price Index Blog
LevelTen releases a quarterly blog that provides aggregated pricing information for large-scale wind and solar power purchase agreements in various regions of the U.S.
Innovation in Power Purchase Agreement Structures
While not specific to U.S. cities, this report provides a useful overview of potential risks in off-site power purchase agreements.