Off-Site PPA Pitch Deck Template

This pitch deck can be utilized to help secure buy-in from key decision makers for an off-site solar or wind project. It includes customizable slides that help explain how these types of projects work, as well as calculate or speak to the economic, climate, jobs, and health benefits of an off-site project.

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Solar and Wind Off-Site PPA Economic Calculator (SWOPEC)

This Excel model provides a lifecycle financial analysis of off-site renewable energy physical PPAs and virtual PPAs. There are two primary use cases: 1) evaluating the economic implications of off-site versus other renewable procurement methods early in the procurement process, and 2) comparing different off-site PPA RFP bids later in the procurement process.

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Quarterly Price Index Blog

LevelTen releases a quarterly blog that provides aggregated pricing information for large-scale wind and solar power purchase agreements in various regions of the U.S.

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