The goal of this document is to provide local governments with an easily modifiable template, including a suggested structure and example language, to use when developing their own aggregated off-site renewable RFP. For procurement groups/leads required to use their jurisdiction’s RFP template, the material in this document should be easily transferable to your own template.
A Local Government’s Guide to Off-Site Renewable PPA Risk Mitigation
This RMI report helps local governments understand and mitigate key risks involved with virtual and physical off-site power purchase agreements (PPAs). It describe six specific risks: price, basis, non-energy market, shape, operational, and volume. The report then summarizes nine mitigation strategies for the two primary types of PPAs: virtual PPAs and physical PPAs.
Procurement and Pollinator Friendly Solar – Sample Ordinance and Procurement Language
This template from Fresh Energy and Fosterra can be used to incorporate agriculturally- and pollinator-friendly language into an RFP, PPA, or other contract language.
Large-Scale Renewables Aggregation Alignment Tool
This Google Sheet tool is designed to help renewable energy procurement groups align on key details for a joint off-site PPA RFP, including electricity procurement needs, resource details, PPA details, co-benefit requirements, and risk mitigation strategies. (Note: You will need to save a copy of the tool to be able to edit and use it for your procurement group’s work).
Large-Scale Renewables Aggregation Pitch Handout Template
This Word template can be utilized to pitch a large-scale renewable energy aggregated deal to key decision makers. It includes customizable language that helps explain what aggregation is, how these types of projects work, why they are beneficial, what some next steps are, and frequently asked questions. This pitch handout can be utilized to get early buy-in from key decision makers to move forward with a procurement group.
Large-Scale Renewables Aggregation Pitch Deck Template
This PowerPoint template can be utilized to pitch a large-scale renewable energy aggregated deal to key decision makers. It consists of three pitches, which can be utilized to get early buy-in from key decision makers to move forward with a procurement group, get approval to enter into a joint RFP, and get the final permission to sign contracts. The pitch deck template includes customizable slides that help explain how these types of projects work, as well as calculate or speak to the economic, climate, jobs, and health benefits of an aggregated deal.
Virtual Power Purchase Agreement Legal Considerations
This memo addresses certain federal, state, and local legal considerations and best practices for a municipality entering into a virtual power purchase agreement (VPPA).
Legal Memo on Virtual Power Purchase Agreements in Ohio
This memo addresses federal, state, and local legal considerations pertaining to a municipality in Ohio entering into a virtual power purchase agreement (VPPA).
Legal Memo on Virtual Power Purchase Agreements in Missouri
This memo addresses federal, state, and local legal considerations pertaining to a municipality in Missouri entering into a virtual power purchase agreement (VPPA).
Legal Memo on Virtual Power Purchase Agreements in Minnesota
This memo addresses federal, state, and local legal considerations pertaining to a municipality in Minnesota entering into a virtual power purchase agreement (VPPA).