How Local Governments Can Buy Renewable Energy and Support Market Development

This webinar covers strategies local governments can consider to procure renewable energy and support renewable energy market development, including power purchase agreements (PPAs), virtual power purchase agreements (VPPAs), community solar, and more. The webinar also cover how the regulatory landscape impacts the RE purchasing options available to a particular community and highlights case studies from local governments across the United States that have successfully implemented these strategies, including Arlington, VA, and Denver, CO.

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Off-Site Renewables Power Purchase Agreement – Request for Proposal (RFP) Template

The goal of this document is to provide local governments with an easily modifiable template, including a suggested structure and example language, to use when developing their own off-site renewable RFP. For cities and counties required to use their local government’s RFP template, the material in this template should be easily transferable to your city or county RFP template.

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City of Denton RFP for Utility Scale Solar PPA

This Request for Proposal (RFP) was issued by the City of Denton, TX, in 2018 for a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). The city was seeking proposals for up to 100 MW of utility scale solar energy as part of its plan to obtain a 100% renewable power supply capacity for its electric load.

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