Comments filed by the City of Asheville and Buncombe County to the North Carolina Utilities Commission on Duke Energy’s 2020 Biennial Integrated Resource Plan (IRP).
Pathways to Integrating Customer Clean Energy Demand into Utility Planning
This paper explores the potential to create greater alignment between utilities and their customers. Specifically, it illustrates how IRP requirements and practices vary across states and utilities, including how they incorporate stakeholder input. It also breaks down the major steps and elements of IRPs to help customers understand how they can engage.
PJM Cities and Communities Coalition Commentary on Leadership Transition at PJM
Public letter from PJMCCC to the PJM Board of Managers in 2019 urging the search committee to hire a CEO candidate who could move the PJM market toward a clean energy future. PJM CCC is the first city coalition organized specifically to address wholesale market level issues.
Community Renewable Energy Act
The Utah Community Renewable Energy Act authorized future regulatory filings at the Utah Public Service Commission that will define rules, rates, and expectations for a community renewable energy program. It is seen as an important step toward Utah communities with ambitious clean energy goals to move toward net-100% renewable electricity by 2030. It was passed as a result of collaboration by three local governments in Utah (Park City, Salt Lake City, and Summit County) with Rocky Mountain Power and the state legislature.
City of Boulder Comments on the Public Services Company of Colorado’s 2016 Electric Resources Plan 120-Day Report
Official commentary submitted to the Public Utilities Commission of the State of Colorado by the City of Boulder on the Public Service Company of Colorado’s 2016 Electroic Resource Plan 120-Day Report.
City of St. Petersburg Commentary on Florida Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act
Official commentary submitted to the Florida Public Services Commission by the City of St. Petersburg on the Florida Energy Conservation and Conservation Act.
L4GG State Profiles on Policies Affecting Local Renewable Energy Pathways
This is a series of state profiles providing a general overview of a state’s policies affecting local renewable energy policy in that state. While not legal advice, each profile provides helpful background on existing policies that may affect a local municipality’s path to renewable energy. As of January 2021, profiles exist for Colorado, Florida, Louisiana, Minnesota, Missouri, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, and Oklahoma. Free site registration is required for access.
Using Community Choice Aggregation to Achieve Clean Energy Goals
This webinar focused on community choice aggregation (CCA) as a potential strategy for local governments to achieve their clean energy goals. The webinar provides an overview of what CCA is, how it works, and considerations for local governments interested in establishing or participating in a CCA program. It also highlights case studies from CCAs across the United States that support local renewable energy development. This webinar provides one AICP CM continuing education credit.
Local Government Engagement with Public Utility Commissions
This resource identifies key areas in which local governments may engage with PUCs, the potential impacts of local government engagement at PUCs, and opportunities that exist to make regulatory processes more accessible for city and county staff. This short guide was prepared for the National Council on Electricity Policy, administered by the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners Center for Partnerships & Innovation and written by the Institute for Market Transformation.
City of Indianapolis Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) Public Comment
This official comment by the City of Indianapolis was submitted to the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission regarding Indianapolis Power & Light’s 2019 integrated resource plan. The City participated in the stakeholder meetings hosted by the utility and developed these comments to ensure that IPL was considering the City’s “Thrive Indianapolis” goals in its longer-term planning on climate, energy, and equity issues important to Indianapolis leadership and stakeholders.