EPA’s RE-Powering America’s Land website contains tools and resources on mapping and screening renewable energy on potentially contaminated lands, landfills, and mine sites.
Project Sunroof
Google’s Project Sunroof Data Explorer can estimate the solar potential for an entire city, while its Savings Estimator can evaluate specific buildings.
PV Mapper
The U.S. Department of Energy’s PV Mapper is a free, open-source tool that allows users to search for and compare potential sites for utility-scale solar projects.
System Advisor Model (SAM)
The System Advisor Model (SAM) is a free techno-economic software model that facilitates decision-making for people in the renewable energy industry. Cities may want to utilize this tool as a check against proposed power purchase agreement prices and to generally better understand potential costs of renewable energy systems given certain inputs. Microsoft Excel-based versions of the model are also available.
Energy Resource Maps
NREL’s maps provide useful insights into the amount of solar insolation, average wind speeds, and other available renewable resources across the U.S.
WattTime’s more granular, real-time emissions data resources can assist cities in making more accurate and nuanced assessments of the potential greenhouse gas emissions impact of prospective projects.
PVWatts Calculator
This online tool can assess the solar energy potential of specified rooftops, as well as neighboring parking lots and land areas.
Guide to Implementing Solar PV for Local Governments
This guide highlights the advantages and disadvantages of direct ownership versus third party ownership for local governments.
This online tool can provide a techno-economic evaluation of on-site solar and solar + storage projects.
Solar Site Assessment and Utility Data Spreadsheet
This template is designed to help users collect information about potential solar project sites.