Utilizing the Local Energy Action Framework (LEAF) to Prioritize Decarbonization Projects

While local governments across the United States have announced 100 percent renewable energy or carbon-neutrality goals for their operations, understanding what these goals entail and how they should prioritize various projects remains a challenge. While many energy models have been developed for utility resource planning, these frameworks are costly and more technical than most cities and counties need. 

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Advancing Local Government Goals through Wholesale Market Engagement: A Series of Case Studies

Local governments are becoming increasingly aware of the important role of wholesale market operators in decarbonization, the deployment of clean energy, and grid reliability. Wholesale market operators include regional transmission organizations (RTOs) and independent system operators (ISOs). Due to the technical and time-intensive nature of the process for engaging with RTOs, local governments frequently have a difficult time engaging in stakeholder and market processes. This report outlines case studies in which two municipalities and one coalition of local governments have successfully used innovative strategies to engage with their RTOs. The case studies feature the town of Hanover, NH; the PJM Cities and Communities Coalition; and the City of Castle Hills, TX.

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Community Solar+: How the Next Generation of Community Solar Can Unlock New Value Streams and Help Communities Pursue Holistic Decarbonization

RMI’s report introduces a vision for the next generation of community solar. Community Solar+ is a whole-systems approach to deliberately plan and deploy community solar projects to embrace added value streams, capture greater economies of scale, and advance additional community-wide sustainability and equity goals. Community Solar+ is a way to do more with less by designing projects to also help build out electric vehicle charging infrastructure, align the grid for an electrified future, mitigate urban heat island effects, and more. The report is targeted at state and local governments, utilities, developers, and community members.

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Driving Climate Action Through Utility Integrated Resource Plans: A North Carolina Case Study of Local Government Leadership

This ACCC Renewables Accelerator case study examines a coordinated effort by local governments in North Carolina to provide insight into how and why local governments are increasingly getting involved in utility Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) processes. It shares details and takeaways from this leading example of local government collaboration to inform other local governments’ efforts to advance a cleaner, more equitable, and sustainable energy future.

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Cities Climate Law: A Legal Framework for Local Action in the U.S.

This report provides a comprehensive guide for local law- and policy-makers in developing climate programs that consider and comport with federal and state law. It explores and explicates legal issues that might inhibit or enable policy adoption and implementation across a range of municipal carbon mitigation policy areas: Equity, Buildings, Transportation, Energy, and Waste.

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Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) Support Package

This support package provides local governments with a foundational understanding of integrated resource plan (IRP) processes and key considerations to help local governments evaluate their engagement plans and craft an initial engagement strategy.

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National Conference of State Legislatures

NCSL provides nonpartisan support for state legislatures and individual legislators. Its website contains a variety of resources that could be valuable for engaging with legislative processes, including topical research, bill tracking, and educational information.

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