The Climate Action for Urban Sustainability (CURB) tool uses local city data to provide tailored analyses that will help cities evaluate low carbon actions. In case there are data gaps – a common problem in many cities – CURB provides alternative data from comparable cities, countries, or regions.
Green Power Supply Options
This website provides summaries of the most common forms of renewable energy procurement.
Pathways to 100: An Energy Supply Transformation Primer for U.S. Cities
This report provides insights to help cities identify which renewable procurement options may be available to them.
State and Local Energy Data (SLED)
This database provides community-wide estimates of electricity and natural gas usage, along with other relevant information on fuel sources, emissions, expenditures, and typical rates.
Electric Power Markets: National Overview
FERC provides an overview of U.S. electric power markets, including independent system operators (ISOs) and regional transmission organizations (RTOs).
State-by-State Map of Energy Choice in the U.S.
This map indicates which U.S. states have retail choice legislation that enable off-site power purchase agreements.
AWEA State Wind Energy Factsheets
This website provides wind energy facts for each state, including the number of projects, energy generation, jobs and economic development, and environmental benefits.
Charting the Emergence of Corporate Procurement of Utility-Scale PV
This report compares the market penetration, access, hedging opportunities, contract requirements, and implementation challenges across four approaches to purchase renewable energy: off-site power purchase agreements, retail choice, utility partnerships, and licensed wholesale electricity sellers.
Guide to Purchasing Green Power
This report provides an overview and key details on each of the following procurement methods: physical power purchase agreements, financial power purchase agreement contracts, green tariffs, and self-generation.
Institutional Renewable Energy Procurement: Guidance for Purchasing and Making Associated Environmental Impact Claims
This report outlines common renewable energy transaction structures, provides a framework for analyzing and prioritizing these options, and explains how to properly communicate the impact of different types of deals.