Utilizing the Local Energy Action Framework (LEAF) to Prioritize Decarbonization Projects

While local governments across the United States have announced 100 percent renewable energy or carbon-neutrality goals for their operations, understanding what these goals entail and how they should prioritize various projects remains a challenge. While many energy models have been developed for utility resource planning, these frameworks are costly and more technical than most cities and counties need. 

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City and County EECBG Grant Calculator – Direct Formula EECBG Funding Allocation Estimates for Local Governments

This Excel spreadsheet calculator provides funding estimates for cities and counties who will be eligible for direct formula funding through the Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program (EECBG). The calculator uses DOE formulas and recent census data to generate EECBG grant estimates. The calculator is a near-term pre-planning tool for cities and counties to gain insight into projected funding amounts prior to DOE’s official publication of final funding allocations later in 2022.

Note: Users should ‘Enable Macros’ to ensure functionality within the calculator.

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