This website provides guides, case studies, and templates to help cities with community stakeholder engagement and media outreach.
Emissions & Generation Resource Integrated Database (eGRID) Summary Data
These data tables provide historical, average emission rates at the regional and state level.
WattTime’s more granular, real-time emissions data resources can assist cities in making more accurate and nuanced assessments of the potential greenhouse gas emissions impact of prospective projects.
Energy Resource Maps
NREL’s maps provide useful insights into the amount of solar insolation, average wind speeds, and other available renewable resources across the U.S.
Guide to Purchasing Green Power: Chapter 6
Chapter 6 of this U.S. EPA guide outlines the key criteria to use when evaluating project developers and important contract terms.
Land-Based Wind Market Report
This annual report on the wind industry contains aggregated, standardized pricing of existing power purchase agreements across different regions of the U.S.
Community Energy Resource Guide
This guide outlines the key steps that cities should undertake to create a comprehensive energy action plan. Section 4, “Stakeholder Collaboration and Community Engagement,” provides suggestions on successfully engaging your community on key energy issues.
Greenhouse Gas Protocol for Cities
This guide provides standards and tools to help cities quantify their emissions.
Solar State-By-State Factsheets
This website provides state-level solar metrics (total current solar capacity, solar installations, solar jobs, etc.) that could be utilized in determining renewable energy goals.
AVoided Emissions and geneRation Tool (AVERT)
This tool helps users estimate the potential greenhouse gas and air pollution impacts of a variety of energy efficiency and renewable energy programs.