On-Site Solar Pitch Deck Template

This pitch deck can be utilized to help secure buy-in from key decision makers for an on-site solar project. It includes customizable slides to calculate or speak to the climate, jobs, health, economics, resilience, and visibility benefits of an on-site project. Additionally, it includes information and case studies for financing and ownership structures.

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Greenhouse Gas Emissions Calculator

A tool designed to help low emitters develop an organization-wide inventory and create a plan to ensure greenhouse gas emissions data consistency, while tracking progress toward reaching an emissions reduction goal.

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Community Power Map

This map shows the locations of community solar projects as well as municipal utilities, community choice aggregations, PACE programs, and some city goals.

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Portfolio Manager

ENERGY STAR’s Portfolio Manager is a free software suite which can help cities monitor their energy and water usage and identify energy efficiency opportunities.

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Equity Foundations

This webpage helps local government staff to apply an equity lens to a sustainability project, including choosing a good project, communicating about the project and racial equity, building a team, applying proven equity tools, and designing the project to embed an equity lens in local government practice.

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Framework for an Equitable Energy Supply Transformation

This framework can help cities embed equity in city energy supply transformation to low or zero carbon sources. The guide helps users understand potential policy and program impacts via the lenses of procedural, distributional, structural, and transgenerational equity, and includes themed sets of guiding questions city staff and other stakeholders can consider when developing plans and policies for transforming their energy supply to meet their climate goals.

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