This RMI report helps local governments understand and mitigate key risks involved with virtual and physical off-site power purchase agreements (PPAs). It describe six specific risks: price, basis, non-energy market, shape, operational, and volume. The report then summarizes nine mitigation strategies for the two primary types of PPAs: virtual PPAs and physical PPAs.
Large-Scale Renewables Aggregation Alignment Tool
This Google Sheet tool is designed to help renewable energy procurement groups align on key details for a joint off-site PPA RFP, including electricity procurement needs, resource details, PPA details, co-benefit requirements, and risk mitigation strategies. (Note: You will need to save a copy of the tool to be able to edit and use it for your procurement group’s work).
Large-Scale Renewables Aggregation Pitch Handout Template
This Word template can be utilized to pitch a large-scale renewable energy aggregated deal to key decision makers. It includes customizable language that helps explain what aggregation is, how these types of projects work, why they are beneficial, what some next steps are, and frequently asked questions. This pitch handout can be utilized to get early buy-in from key decision makers to move forward with a procurement group.
Large-Scale Renewables Aggregation Pitch Deck Template
This PowerPoint template can be utilized to pitch a large-scale renewable energy aggregated deal to key decision makers. It consists of three pitches, which can be utilized to get early buy-in from key decision makers to move forward with a procurement group, get approval to enter into a joint RFP, and get the final permission to sign contracts. The pitch deck template includes customizable slides that help explain how these types of projects work, as well as calculate or speak to the economic, climate, jobs, and health benefits of an aggregated deal.
Local Government Strategies for 100% Clean Energy
This SolSmart webinar provides an overview of approaches for setting clean energy goals and processes for identifying the most impactful and appropriate implementation strategies, including considerations related to the COVID-19 crisis. The webinar also highlighted case studies from communities that have developed clean energy plans.
Using Community Choice Aggregation to Achieve Clean Energy Goals
This webinar focused on community choice aggregation (CCA) as a potential strategy for local governments to achieve their clean energy goals. The webinar provides an overview of what CCA is, how it works, and considerations for local governments interested in establishing or participating in a CCA program. It also highlights case studies from CCAs across the United States that support local renewable energy development. This webinar provides one AICP CM continuing education credit.
How Local Governments Can Buy Renewable Energy and Support Market Development
This webinar covers strategies local governments can consider to procure renewable energy and support renewable energy market development, including power purchase agreements (PPAs), virtual power purchase agreements (VPPAs), community solar, and more. The webinar also cover how the regulatory landscape impacts the RE purchasing options available to a particular community and highlights case studies from local governments across the United States that have successfully implemented these strategies, including Arlington, VA, and Denver, CO.
Reducing Energy Burden for Low-income Residents in Multifamily Housing with Solar Energy
This issue brief discusses some of the key considerations and related opportunities for deploying solar for low-income multifamily housing, including how differences in multifamily housing financing structure and type can influence resident eligibility as well as resulting impacts on energy burden in both on-site and off-site solar installations.
Equitable Community Solar: Policy and Program Guidance for Community Solar Programs that Promote Racial and Economic Equity
This white paper provides guidance for creating community solar programs that promote racial and economic equity. It examines community solar program structure, consumer participation, compensation, and other policy areas. It is intended for city elected officials and policymakers, administrators of municipal electric utilities (i.e., munis), and local advocates building equitable third-party or muni-owned community solar programs.
Renewable Energy Resources – Case Studies
Case studies of the successful introduction of renewables in federally-assisted properties.