This report describes how to get started on procuring off-site renewable energy, the associated opportunities, ways to make the business case, and planning the procurement process.
Low Income Energy Affordability Data (LEAD) Tool
This tool provides interactive state, county, and city level worksheets with graphs and data, including number of households at different income levels, numbers of homeowners versus renters, and average monthly energy expenditures and energy burden.
State Solar Policy Inventory

This website provides state-by-state overviews of solar policies such as net metering, rebates, solar renewable energy certificates, and loans.
Clean Energy Atlanta
Atlanta’s energy plan outlines different models, policies, and programs that a city might use to transition its municipal operations or entire community to 100 percent clean energy.
Clean Energy Business Model Manual
This report contains short case studies on different financing procurement mechanisms from cities around the world.
Solar Project Development Pathway & Resources
This page details the major steps to take along the common development pathway for on-site solar PV.
Solar Energy Resource Center
The U.S. Department of Energy’s Solar Energy Technology Office website contains lists of recommended resources for state, local, and federal entities that are interested in pursuing solar energy.
Toolbox for Renewable Energy Project Development
This website provides helpful resources in each of the following categories: solar policies and regulations, project financing, requests for proposals, project development, and environmental claims.
Solar Decision Support and Resources for Local Governments
This series of short webinars provides relevant information on key issues for on-site projects.
Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency (DSIRE)
This database provides summaries of utility, state, and local policies and incentives that promote renewable energy and energy efficiency.