The Equity Impact Review Process, developed by King County, is a process and a tool to identify, evaluate, and communicate the potential impact – both positive and negative – of a policy or program on equity.
Equitable Clean Energy Guidance Book
This guide helps local governments and their partners intentionally design programs that enable current and emerging clean energy technologies to be accessed equitably.
Framework for an Equitable Energy Supply Transformation
This framework can help cities embed equity in city energy supply transformation to low or zero carbon sources. The guide helps users understand potential policy and program impacts via the lenses of procedural, distributional, structural, and transgenerational equity, and includes themed sets of guiding questions city staff and other stakeholders can consider when developing plans and policies for transforming their energy supply to meet their climate goals.
Equity Foundations
This webpage helps local government staff to apply an equity lens to a sustainability project, including choosing a good project, communicating about the project and racial equity, building a team, applying proven equity tools, and designing the project to embed an equity lens in local government practice.
Community Energy Resource Guide
This guide outlines the key steps that cities should undertake to create a comprehensive energy action plan. Section 4, “Stakeholder Collaboration and Community Engagement,” provides suggestions on successfully engaging your community on key energy issues.
Greenhouse Gas Protocol for Cities
This guide provides standards and tools to help cities quantify their emissions.
AVoided Emissions and geneRation Tool (AVERT)
This tool helps users estimate the potential greenhouse gas and air pollution impacts of a variety of energy efficiency and renewable energy programs.
Climate Action for Urban Sustainability (CURB) Tool
The Climate Action for Urban Sustainability (CURB) tool uses local city data to provide tailored analyses that will help cities evaluate low carbon actions. In case there are data gaps – a common problem in many cities – CURB provides alternative data from comparable cities, countries, or regions.
Green Power Supply Options
This website provides summaries of the most common forms of renewable energy procurement.
Pathways to 100: An Energy Supply Transformation Primer for U.S. Cities
This report provides insights to help cities identify which renewable procurement options may be available to them.