ICLEI’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions Protocols provide standards and tools to help cities quantify their emissions.
Portfolio Manager
ENERGY STAR’s Portfolio Manager is a free software suite which can help cities monitor their energy and water usage and identify energy efficiency opportunities.
Jobs and Economic Development Impact (JEDI) Models
NREL’s Jobs and Economic Development Impact (JEDI) models estimate the economic impact of various renewable energy projects. The solar PV model is no longer officially supported by NREL but is available upon request.
Community Power Map
This map shows the locations of community solar projects as well as municipal utilities, community choice aggregations, PACE programs, and some city goals.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Calculator
A tool designed to help low emitters develop an organization-wide inventory and create a plan to ensure greenhouse gas emissions data consistency, while tracking progress toward reaching an emissions reduction goal.
Net Generation by State, Type, Producer, & Energy Source Form: EIA-906, EIA-920, and EIA-923 Detailed Data Files
A spreadsheet of annual energy generation by source of energy for each state.
Utilizing City-Utility Partnership Agreements to Achieve Climate and Energy Goals

This report outlines the potential benefits, challenges, and common elements of city-utility partnership agreements, and also provides a list of tips and considerations for implementing them.
City Energy Project’s Resources on Stakeholder Engagement
This website provides guides, case studies, and templates to help cities with community stakeholder engagement and media outreach.
Finding Value in the Energy Future
This report provides guidance on how utilities can collaborate with low- and moderate-income customers to promote the use of clean energy technologies and business model innovation.
Racial Equity Toolkit
This toolkit is designed to integrate explicit consideration of racial equity in decisions, including policies, practices, programs, and budgets. It is both a product and a process. Use of this tool can help to develop strategies and actions that reduce racial inequities and improve success for all groups.