This report is a starting point for understanding what approaches have worked to establish successful C-PACE programs and provides a roadmap for setting up and launching such programs.
Shining Cities 2018: How Smart Local Policies Are Expanding Solar Power in America
This report ranks cities by total and per capita installed solar and highlights short case studies of policies in different cities.
Solar Policy Toolkit
This report provides state legislators, energy offices, governors, and commissioners with tools to understand the distributed solar market in their states, assess their states’ policies and regulations, and determine a path forward.
Low Income Energy Affordability Data (LEAD) Tool
This tool provides interactive state, county, and city level worksheets with graphs and data, including number of households at different income levels, numbers of homeowners versus renters, and average monthly energy expenditures and energy burden.
Rooftop Energy Potential of Low Income Communities in America
The Rooftop Energy Potential of Low Income Communities in America (REPLICA) dataset provides estimates of residential rooftop solar technical potential at the tract-level with emphasis on estimates for low- and moderate-income (LMI) populations.
Strategies for Workforce Development: A Toolkit for the Solar Industry
This toolkit is centered around themes of workforce development and work-based learning, and describes scalable and industry-driven solutions to better align training with evolving workforce needs.
Commercial PACE: Fact Sheet for State and Local Governments
This is a quick two-page overview on commercial property-assessed clean energy (C-PACE) programs and how they pertain to city government.
Local Lending for Solar PV: A Guide for Local Governments Seeking to Engage Financial Institutions
This guide aims to assist local governments in engaging local lending institutions on financing residential and commercial solar PV systems.
2018 Resource Guide to Solarize Campaign Success
This guidebook is a roadmap for community leaders who want to utilize solarize campaigns to make solar power easier and more affordable for their neighbors.
Solarize Campaign Templates and Resources
This website includes many templates – for Request for Proposals, marketing, and community outreach – and other resources to utilize throughout a Solarize campaign.