This issue brief discusses some of the key considerations and related opportunities for deploying solar for low-income multifamily housing, including how differences in multifamily housing financing structure and type can influence resident eligibility as well as resulting impacts on energy burden in both on-site and off-site solar installations.
Renewable Energy Resources – Case Studies
Case studies of the successful introduction of renewables in federally-assisted properties.
Community Solar Request for Proposal (RFP) Tool
This workbook is a searchable database of community solar RFP clause examples sorted by topic. This tool is intended for use by local governments, municipal utilities or tribes who aim to:
• Solicit community solar projects through a competitive bidding process,
• Learn how to write a RFP from other local governments and municipal utilities’ RFP examples, and
• Develop their own community solar RFPs.
IMPORTANT: Please select “Enable Macros” when you open this Excel workbook.
CO-Benefits Risk Assessment (COBRA) Health Impacts Screening and Mapping Tool
A tool that estimates the health and economic benefits of clean energy policies.
Solar Powering Your Community: A Guide for Local Governments
This guide is a comprehensive resource to assist local governments and stakeholders in designing and implementing a strategic local solar plan. It includes examples and models that have been field-tested in cities and counties around the country.
Unlocking Solar for Low- and Moderate-Income Residents: A Matrix of Financing Options by Resident, Provider, and Housing Type
NREL’s report aims to identify the most promising strategies state policymakers might consider using to finance PV for low- and moderate-income customers across three housing types: single family, multi-family, and manufactured housing.
Low-Income Solar Policy Guide
This website provides case studies and policy recommendations to promote the uptake of solar in low-income communities.
Planning and Zoning for Solar Energy: Updated Edition
This Planning Advisory Service Essential Info Packet provides an extensive collection of sample ordinances on topics including solar access, solar siting, and solar energy systems, along with many examples of how communities are adding solar provisions to their comprehensive, subarea, and functional plans.
Expedited Permit Process for PV Systems
This in-depth guidebook provides step-by-step instructions on how to expedite permitting process for small scale PV systems.
Solar Ready: An Overview of Implementation Practices
This report explores three mechanisms for encouraging solar ready design and construction: solar ready legislation, certification programs for solar ready design and construction, and stakeholder education.