Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City of St. Petersburg and Duke Energy Florida, LLC for Clean Energy Collaboration

This Clean Energy Collaboration is a formal agreement that outlines a shared commitment to a cleaner, greener future. The MOU states that the two parties will meet at least quarterly to identify and move forward priority projects on transparency and data access, transparency of stakeholder engagement, energy efficiency, renewable energy/community solar, resilience, smart technology, and mobility electrification.

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Aggregated Off-Site Renewables Power Purchase Agreement – Request for Proposal (RFP) Template

The goal of this document is to provide local governments with an easily modifiable template, including a suggested structure and example language, to use when developing their own aggregated off-site renewable RFP. For procurement groups/leads required to use their jurisdiction’s RFP template, the material in this document should be easily transferable to your own template.

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Aggregated Off-Site Renewables PPA – Attachment 1 Bid Sheet for RFP Template

The goal of this document is to provide local governments with an easily modifiable template, including a suggested structure and example language, to use when developing their own aggregated off-site renewable RFP. For procurement groups/leads required to use their jurisdiction’s RFP template, the material in this document should be easily transferable to your own template.

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Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) Support Package

This support package provides local governments with a foundational understanding of integrated resource plan (IRP) processes and key considerations to help local governments evaluate their engagement plans and craft an initial engagement strategy.

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National Conference of State Legislatures

NCSL provides nonpartisan support for state legislatures and individual legislators. Its website contains a variety of resources that could be valuable for engaging with legislative processes, including topical research, bill tracking, and educational information.

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