An example of a Request for Proposal that seeks community solar PV projects that will provide direct benefits to low- and moderate-income residential electric customers.
National Shared Renewables Scorecard
IREC’s National Shared Renewables Scorecard evaluates state Shared Renewables programs across the country, providing policymakers and other stakeholders with insights into the strengths and weaknesses of the various programs.
Community Solar Policy Map
The Shared Renewables’ map provides policy details and links to authorizing legislation throughout the U.S.
Local Government Project Portal Goal-Setting Guidance
This guidance document provides a framework for and addresses frequently asked questions related to setting a renewable electricity goal.
Global Climate Action Map
This interactive map displays a database of city renewable energy commitments and actions.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Protocols
ICLEI’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions Protocols provide standards and tools to help cities quantify their emissions.
Portfolio Manager
ENERGY STAR’s Portfolio Manager is a free software suite which can help cities monitor their energy and water usage and identify energy efficiency opportunities.
Jobs and Economic Development Impact (JEDI) Models
NREL’s Jobs and Economic Development Impact (JEDI) models estimate the economic impact of various renewable energy projects. The solar PV model is no longer officially supported by NREL but is available upon request.
Renewable Energy Generation for the City of Cincinnati’s Electricity Load
The City of Cincinnati released a Request for Qualification in January 2019, which included on-site and off-site renewable energy projects.
Multi-City Renewable Energy Request for Information
The City of Boston released a Request for Information on renewable energy projects that could supply a group of cities via an off-site virtual power purchase agreement.