This memo provides guidance for, and examples of, incorporating labor best practices in clean energy Request for Proposals (RFPs).
Labor Considerations for Clean Energy Procurement

This memo provides guidance for, and examples of, incorporating labor best practices in clean energy Request for Proposals (RFPs).
This guide outlines how local governments can pursue buyer-led aggregated PPAs for utility-scale renewable projects. It includes the benefits of aggregation, off-site procurement options available to aggregation groups, and case studies of five successful aggregated renewables procurements. The guide also presents a seven-step process to guide local governments to pursue an aggregated procurement.
The goal of this document is to provide local governments with an easily modifiable template, including a suggested structure and example language, to use when developing their own aggregated off-site renewable RFP. For procurement groups/leads required to use their jurisdiction’s RFP template, the material in this document should be easily transferable to your own template.
The goal of this document is to provide local governments with an easily modifiable template, including a suggested structure and example language, to use when developing their own aggregated off-site renewable RFP. For procurement groups/leads required to use their jurisdiction’s RFP template, the material in this document should be easily transferable to your own template.
This template from Fresh Energy and Fosterra can be used to incorporate agriculturally- and pollinator-friendly language into an RFP, PPA, or other contract language.
This Google Sheet tool is designed to help renewable energy procurement groups align on key details for a joint off-site PPA RFP, including electricity procurement needs, resource details, PPA details, co-benefit requirements, and risk mitigation strategies. (Note: You will need to save a copy of the tool to be able to edit and use it for your procurement group’s work).
This paper provides a starting framework and expert third-party guidance on how to maximize the positive social and environmental impacts of renewable energy purchases and minimize the negative impacts.
This issue brief from the Government Alliance on Race and Equity (GARE) provides a common approach to furthering the field of practice of contracting equity within government.
This is an addendum to the American Cities Climate Challenge Renewables Accelerator’s Off-Site Renewables Power Purchase Agreement – Request for Proposal (RFP) Template. It provides guidance on how RFP processes and documents for renewables procurement may need to be updated due to COVID-19 and its impacts.
This is an addendum to the American Cities Climate Challenge Renewables Accelerator’s On-site Solar Request for Proposal (RFP) Template. It provides guidance on how RFP processes and documents for renewables procurement may need to be updated due to COVID-19 and its impacts.