Request for Proposals for Multi-Site On-Site Solar: Example from the City of San Antonio, TX
In 2022, the City of San Antonio (“the City” or “CoSA”) solicited proposals from qualified solar photovoltaic (PV) providers to design, engineer, build, operate, maintain and decommission turn-key installations of multiple rooftop and parking canopy solar PV projects at the site addresses listed. In this RFP, the City sought market-based solutions to provide a portfolio of onsite, behind-the-meter solar energy at a range of municipal facilities. Projects must be cost-effective and sited either on eligible rooftops or parking facilities as available.
Catalyzing Local Clean Energy: A Roadmap for Maximizing Inflation Reduction Act Opportunities and Community Benefits
This resource serves as a guidebook for local governments looking to maximize the clean energy incentives and opportunities provided by the Inflation Reduction Act.
Utilizing the Local Energy Action Framework (LEAF) to Prioritize Decarbonization Projects
While local governments across the United States have announced 100 percent renewable energy or carbon-neutrality goals for their operations, understanding what these goals entail and how they should prioritize various projects remains a challenge. While many energy models have been developed for utility resource planning, these frameworks are costly and more technical than most cities and counties need.
50-State Disadvantaged Communities Report
This report provides government decision makers with the necessary definitions and available mapping to allocate money to critical infrastructure upgrades and climate resilience projects needed to protect vulnerable communities.
Legal Memo on Virtual Power Purchase Agreements in Georgia
This memo addresses federal, state, and local legal considerations pertaining to a municipality in Georgia entering into a virtual power purchase agreement (VPPA).
Legal Memo on Virtual Power Purchase Agreements in Virginia
This memo addresses federal, state, and local legal considerations pertaining to a municipality in Virginia entering into a virtual power purchase agreement (VPPA).
Sample Contract of an Aggregated Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for Off-Site Renewable Energy: Example of the Centre County Solar Group, PA
This sample contract provides an example of how a group of local governments and public entities can develop an aggregated power purchase agreement for off-site renewable energy. This could be used as an attachment to an aggregated request for proposal (RFP).
Request for Proposal (RFP) for an Aggregated Off-Site Renewables Power Purchase Agreement: Example of the Centre County Solar Group, PA
This RFP provides an example of how a group of local governments and public entities can pursue an aggregated power purchase agreement for off-site renewables through a joint bidding process.
Request for Proposal (RFP) for an Aggregated Net Metering Agreement: Example of the Southern Maine Planning and Development Commission, ME
This RFP provides an example of how a group of local governments and public entities can pursue an aggregated net metering agreement for renewable energy through a joint bidding process.