Innovative Energy Loan Guarantee Program (Title 17)
Federal Agency

Loans Program Office (LPO)
To eliminate gaps in commercial financing for energy projects in the United States that utilize innovative technology to reduce, avoid, or sequester greenhouse gas emissions and support clean energy deployment and energy infrastructure reinvestment in the United States. LPO can provide first-of-a-kind projects and other high-impact, energy-related ventures with access to debt capital and flexible financing that private lenders cannot provide.
Applicant and/or Project Eligibility Requirements
Eligible projects must satisfy all four of the following basic eligibility requirements: Innovative Technology, Greenhouse Gas Benefits, Located in the United States, and Reasonable Prospect of Repayment.
Decarbonization Considerations
Consider utilizing loan guarantees to finance advanced grid integration, energy storage, on-site and off-site renewable energy, and electrification and energy efficiency improvements in residential and commercial buildings.
Equity Considerations
See the "Equity Design Considerations for Federal Funding" for general considerations and additional sector-based resources:
Helpful Tips
Detailed program guidance is available here:
Other Notes