States’ Economic Development Assistance Program (SEDAP)
Federal Agency

To support and improve regional economic development opportunities by supporting basic public infrastructure, transportation infrastructure, workforce development and business development with an emphasis on entrepreneurship.
Applicant and/or Project Eligibility Requirements
Applicants must be in one of the 252 counties and parishes across 8 states served by the Delta Regional Authority. To see the region map, click here:
Decarbonization Considerations
Consider focusing on fundamental improvements to the efficiency and electrification of existing buildings, including weatherization of support facilities like community centers, schools, or housing. Upgrading community facilities with solar plus battery storage can convert such facilities into community resiliency hubs that serve as emergency power centers and cooling centers. To encourage entrepreneurship, explore integrating new clean energy and EV supply chain manufacturing hubs/business parks into regional economic development plans. Where possible, consider whether partnerships with universities or community colleges could be leveraged to launch an economic diversification and workforce development strategy to promote and enhance the growth of emerging clean energy industries and retain local talent.
Equity Considerations
DRA evaluates distressed populations and county areas when allocating funding to each state. It is possible for infrastructure projects in distressed counties/parishes to receive 100% project funding. Under federal law, at least 75% of DRA funds must be invested in economically distressed counties and parishes.
Helpful Tips
All SEDAP projects should support one or more strategic DRA goals: 1) improved workforce competitiveness; 2) strengthened infrastructure; and/or 3) increased community capacity. Competitiveness of applications will also be increased if any local match or leverage is able to be provided, even if not required.
Other Notes
For more information on the program, see here: