State of Good Repair (SGR) Grants
Federal Agency

Federal Highway Administration (FHA)
To provide capital assistance for the maintenance, replacement, and rehabilitation projects of rail and bus systems to help transit agencies maintain assets in a state of good repair.
Applicant and/or Project Eligibility Requirements
Eligible recipients are states, local government authorities, or other public entities in urbanized areas with fixed guideway and/or high-intensity motorbus systems in revenue service for at least seven full federal fiscal years prior to the beginning of the federal fiscal year of the apportionment.
Decarbonization Considerations
Ensuring quality public transit incentivizes ridership and a shift away from personal automobilies. Repaired vehicles may be fitted with electric or other fuel-efficient technologies.
Equity Considerations
Public transit disproportionately benefits racial minorities and other vulnerable populations. Ensuring quality transit options can, among other things, help these communities access jobs and economic opportunities.
Helpful Tips
Evaluation criteria include the size of the rail system; the amount of funds available to the applicant; the age and condition of the rail rolling stock that has exceeded or will exceed the useful service life of the rail rolling stock in the 5-year period following the grant; and whether the applicant has identified replacement of the rail vehicles as a priority in the investment prioritization portion of the transit asset management plan of the recipient pursuant to part 625 of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations (or successor regulations).
Other Notes
This is a formula fund. Funding is available during the year of apportionment and the three years following and is broken down by jurisdiction here: