Solar Ambassador Prize - Phase 1
Federal Agency

Grid Deployment Office (GDO)
To assist DOE in identifying, engaging, and assisting with intake processing of qualifying households for residential solar and battery storage installations. This is a complementary program supporting the Topic Area 1 under the Puerto Rico - Energy Resilience Fund.
Applicant and/or Project Eligibility Requirements
Community-based organizations, nonprofits, and for-profit entities with an existing presence in Puerto Rico are eligible to apply to become Solar Ambassadors.
Decarbonization Considerations
Solar and battery systems will help lower the energy burden, enhance community resilience, and also contribute to emission reduction. Using this funding, community-based organizations are expected to educate homeowners about the Energy Resilience Fund program and the resilience and cost savings benefits of solar and storage.
Equity Considerations
Applicants need to demonstrate an ability to perform local, in-person outreach and community engagement to ensure that federal funding reaches the intended most vulnerable residents in a Last Mile community in Puerto Rico. Last Mile Community is a group of individuals living in geographic proximity (such as a census tract) that experience the most frequent power outages and/or the longest power outages.
Helpful Tips
To identify Puerto Rico Last Mile Communities, check the interactive map here:
Other Notes
Phase 2 will open in November 2023, with a performance deadline of March 6, 2024. In Phase 2, Ambassadors selected in Phase 1 will implement their proposed plan and assist households to complete their household intake application. See Phase 1 selections here: