Secure Geologic Storage Permitting
Federal Agency

Underground Injection Control
To fund the permitting of wells for the geologic sequestration of carbon dioxide and creates a grant program for states, Tribes, and territories to establish their own Class VI permitting programs to ensure rigorous and efficient CO2 geologic storage site permitting.
Applicant and/or Project Eligibility Requirements
Eligibility of this program is restricted to states, Tribes, and territories.
Decarbonization Considerations
This will become increasingly important as carbon capture and storage technologies become more commonly deployed. Local governments should pay attention to their state's processes for permitting wells for geologic sequestration.
Equity Considerations
Applicants must demonstrate how environmental justice and equity considerations will be incorporated into their Class VI UIC primacy programs. Primacy program commitments may include identifying communities with potential environmental justice concerns, enhancing public involvement, appropriately scoped environmental justice assessments, enhancing transparency throughout the permitting process and minimizing adverse effects associated with permitting actions.
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