Regional Infrastructure Accelerator (RIA) Demonstration Program
Federal Agency

Build America Bureau
To expedite delivery of transportation infrastructure projects at the local and regional level by providing technical resources and funding planning and development activities through the Bureau’s loan programs and other innovative financing methods, including public-private partnerships.
Applicant and/or Project Eligibility Requirements
Eligible applicants include a state, multi-state or multi-jurisdictional group, municipality, county, a special purpose district or public authority with a transportation function including a port authority, a tribal government or consortium of tribal governments, MPO, regional transportation planning organization (RTPO), Regional Transportation Commission, or a political subdivision of a State or local government, or combination of two or more of the foregoing.
Decarbonization Considerations
DOT will consider the extent to which the project incorporates considerations of climate change, resilience, and environmental justice in the planning stage and in project delivery, such as through incorporation of specific design elements that address climate change impacts. Consider exploring the use of green cement, focusing on creating dedicated lanes for buses and vanpools, and prioritizing HOV lanes. This could also be used to expand the electric vehicle infrastructure network.
Equity Considerations
DOT will consider the extent to which the project: (i) Increases transportation choices and equity for individuals; (ii) expands access to essential services for communities across the United States, particularly for underserved or disadvantaged communities; (iii) improves connectivity for citizens to jobs, health care, and other critical destinations, or (iv) proactively addresses racial equity and barriers to opportunity, through the planning process or through incorporation of design elements. If applicable, applicants are encouraged to describe how activities proposed in their application would address the unique challenges facing rural transportation networks, and how the project will address the challenges faced by individuals and underserved communities in rural areas.
Helpful Tips
This FY 2023 Program NOFO updates the FY 2022 NOFO to further reflect this Administration's priorities for creating good-paying jobs, improving safety, applying transformative technology, and explicitly addressing climate change and advancing racial equity. Therefore, the Bureau added transit-oriented development (TOD) as an additional point of consideration under the Transformative Projects criterion to clarify how the long-term project outcomes should align with the Administration's priorities in a competitive application.
Other Notes
Awardee press release: