Regional Direct Air Capture (DAC) Hubs
Federal Agency

Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations (OCED)
To fund projects that contribute to the development of 4 regional DAC hubs. Hubs must have the potential to be developed into a regional or interregional carbon network to facilitate sequestration or carbon utilization, and must have the capacity to capture and sequester, utilize, or sequester and utilize at least 1 MMT CO2 annually.
Applicant and/or Project Eligibility Requirements
Industry stakeholders and developers are eligible to apply. Local governments are encouraged to partner with the private sector as sub-applicants.
Decarbonization Considerations
Consider implementing projects that are located in a region with existing carbon-intensive fuel production or industrial capacity; or carbon-intensive fuel production or industrial capacity that has retired or closed in the preceding 10 years.
Equity Considerations
Consider prioritizing projects that are located in economically distressed communities, and designing projects that would create long-term employment to the greatest number of residents of the region. At least 2 hubs must be located in economically distressed communities in regions with high levels of coal, oil or natural gas resources.
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Awardee press release: