Puerto Rico – Energy Resilience Fund
Federal Agency

Grid Deployment Office (GDO)
To support residential rooftop solar and battery storage installations and offer consumer protection and education resources in Puerto Rico. Through this deployment-focused funding, DOE aims to incentivize the installation of roughly 30,000–40,000 residential solar and battery systems.
Applicant and/or Project Eligibility Requirements
- Topic Area 1 (Third-Party Residential Rooftop Solar PV and Battery Storage Deployment): domestic for-profit entity solar companies are eligible to apply; - Topic Area 2 (Community-Sponsored Residential Rooftop Solar PV and Battery Storage Deployment): domestic nonprofit entities and energy cooperatives are eligible to apply; - Topic Area 3 (Beneficiary Education, Training, and Consumer Protection): domestic nonprofit entities, educational institutions, State and local governmental entities, and for-profit entities are eligible to apply.
Decarbonization Considerations
Solar and battery systems will help lower the energy burden, enhance community resilience, and also contribute to emission reduction. In addition to solar installation, funding can be used to make a household "solar ready", including roof repair, home rewiring, and communications.
Equity Considerations
Qualified beneficiaries of the systems installed by selected partners will include very low-income, single-family households that are either located in areas that have a high percentage of very low-income households and experience frequent and prolonged power outages or contain a family member with an energy-dependent disability, such as individuals who need electric wheelchairs for mobility or those that use at-home dialysis machines.
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Other Notes
See awarded recipients here: https://www.energy.gov/articles/doe-announces-over-13-million-connect-more-puerto-rico-communities-residential-solar-and