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Grid Innovation Program - Grid Resilience and Innovation Partnerships (GRIP) Program

Federal Agency


Grid Deployment Office (GDO) & Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations (OCED)


To coordinate and collaborate with electric sector owners and operators to demonstrate innovative approaches to transmission, storage, and distribution infrastructure to harden and enhance resilience and reliability and demonstrate new approaches to enhance regional grid resilience.

Applicant and/or Project Eligibility Requirements

Eligible entities include states, combinations of states, Indian Tribes, unites of local government, and public utility commissions.

Decarbonization Considerations

The shift from fossil fuels to electricity hinges on a reliable electric grid, making grids resilient to disaster, and upgrading grids with modern technology to help improve service reliability, reduce costs, and encourage electrification.

Equity Considerations

Historically marginalized communities are more vulnerable to grid outages. Consider demonstration projects that showcase adaptive microgrids, or reliable and resilient system operations utilizing high levels of distributed renewable generation and energy storage in these communities to minimize disruptions.

Helpful Tips

N/A, 0

Other Notes

See FY24 awardees here:

Deadline (Announced or Anticipated)

January 12, 2024 (Concept Paper); April 17, 2024 (Full Application)

Funding Available


Max Award Amount

$250 million in general, $1 billion for projects that deploy significant transmission investments

Expected Allocations


Average Award (Estimated)


Matching Funds

50% cost share required

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