Passenger Ferry Grant Program (PFGP)
Federal Agency

Federal Transit Administration (FTA)
To support existing passenger ferry service, establish new ferry service, and to repair and modernize ferry boats, terminals, and related facilities and equipment.
Applicant and/or Project Eligibility Requirements
Applicants must be designated recipients or eligible direct recipients of Section 5307 funds. Eligible projects are capital projects for the purchase, construction, replacement, or rehabilitation of ferries, terminals, related infrastructure, and related equipment. Projects are required to support a passenger ferry service that serves an urbanized area and may include services that operate between an urbanized area and non-urbanized areas.
Decarbonization Considerations
This program explicitly intends to reduce emissions from ferries and ferry fleets. $4 million is available only for low or zero-emission ferries or ferries using electric battery or fuel cell components and the infrastructure to support such ferries.
Equity Considerations
Ferries provide transportation options to people in communities separated by water, and to people without personal automobiles. Ferries can be an important element of equitable, multimodal transit systems.
Helpful Tips
If an applicant does not currently have an active Urbanized Area Formula Program grant with FTA, the applicant is encouraged to contact the FTA Ferry Program manager for assistance with determining if it is eligible to receive funds under the Ferry Program.
Other Notes
For Fiscal Year 2023, $50.1 million is available, of which $5 million is set -aside specifically for low- or zero-emission ferries and related facilities/equipment. See the list of 2023 recipients here: