Ocean-Based Climate Resilience Accelerators
Federal Agency

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
To fund accelerator programs that support small businesses and entrepreneurs commercialize ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes-based climate solutions. Note that 'ocean' is inclusive of ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes areas.
Applicant and/or Project Eligibility Requirements
Eligible applicants include US-based for-profit organizations (corporations, partnerships, joint ventures), academic institutions, cooperative institutes, nonprofit organizations, tribal governments or organizations.
Decarbonization Considerations
The ocean-based climate resilience accelerator proposed theme areas include ocean renewable energy, coastal and ocean carbon sequestration monitoring and accounting, hazard mitigation and coastal resilience, ecosystems services, including change detection, change analysis, and change adaptation/mitigation.
Equity Considerations
One of the criteria for Phase 1 review will be how the applications describe diversity and inclusion within the lead organization as well as how those principles will be infused into the cohort selection. Applicants should assume this will be a criterion for the Phase 2 awards as well.
Helpful Tips
See Phase 1 awardees here: https://ioos.noaa.gov/about/governance-and-management/inflation-reduction-act/accelerators/
Other Notes
See Phase 1 awardees here: https://ioos.noaa.gov/about/governance-and-management/inflation-reduction-act/accelerators/