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NOAA Climate Resilience Regional Challenge

Federal Agency


National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)


To develop collaborative approaches to achieving resilience in coastal regions. Proposed projects should address risk reduction, regional collaboration, and equity, and build enduring capacity for adaptation.

Applicant and/or Project Eligibility Requirements

Eligible applicants include institutions of higher education, govenrment agencies, tribes, and non-profits

Decarbonization Considerations

These grants are focused on addressing risk reduction, regional collaboration for community resiliency, and equity, and build enduring capacity for adaptation in the face of climate change.

Equity Considerations

Applicants may wish to consider how to communicate risk with marginalized, underserved, and underrepresented communities. See the "Equity Design Considerations for Federal Funding" for general considerations and additional sector-based resources:

Helpful Tips

NOAA technical assistance is available for organizations applying for and receiving a grant. Many technical assistance options are available, including data, tools, training, and access to NOAA expertise. Visit the technical assistance page to learn more:

Other Notes

See awardees here:

Deadline (Announced or Anticipated)

August 23, 2023 (Letter of Intent); February 13, 2024 (Full Application, only if invited)

Funding Available


Max Award Amount


Expected Allocations

Tier 1 20-25 applicants & Tier 2 = 15 applicants

Average Award (Estimated)

Tier 1 = $1,000,000 & Tier 2 = $25,000,000-$50,000,000

Matching Funds

Not required

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