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Neighborhood Access and Equity Grant Program (NAE)

Federal Agency


Federal Highway Administration (FHA)


To support neighborhood equity, safety, and affordable transportation access with competitive grants to reconnect communities divided by existing infrastructure barriers, mitigate negative impacts of transportation facilities or construction projects on disadvantaged or underserved communities, and support equitable transportation planning and community engagement activities. There are three types of grants: Community Planning Grants, Capital Construction Grants, and Regional Partnerships Challenge Grants.

Applicant and/or Project Eligibility Requirements

Eligible applicants include states, local governments, territories, and metropolitan planning organizations (MPO), and Tribal governments. Nonprofit organizations or institutions of higher education must have entered into a partnership with an eligible entity above and be applying for planning and capacity building activities in disadvantaged or underserved communities.

Decarbonization Considerations

When connecting divided communities, consider more protected, resilient transit stops, EV charging infrastructure, safe and secure bicycle parking, and incorporating nature-based heat island mitigation strategies to make walking, cycling, and using public transit safer, more connected, and more sustainable.

Equity Considerations

Funding reserved for economically disadvantaged communities are for communities that are 1) economically disadvantaged, underserved, or located in an area of persistent poverty; 2) have entered or will enter into a community benefits agreement with representatives of the community, 3) have an anti-displacement policy, a community land trust, or a community advisory board in effect; or 4) has demonstrated a plan for employing residents in the area impacted by the activity or project proposed.

Helpful Tips

This is a combined funding opportunity for the Reconnecting Communities Pilot Program (RCP) and the Neighborhood Access and Equity Program (NAE). Applicants can apply for one but if they meet the requirements for both, they can be considered for both programs.

Other Notes

$1,893,000,000 is available until September 30, 2026. Additional $1,262,000,000 is available for economically disadvantaged communities. $50,000,000 is available for technical assistance. If interested, connect with your local FHWA office to learn more about the program.

Deadline (Announced or Anticipated)

September 28, 2023

Funding Available

$135,000,000 for planning; $1,000,000,000 for construction

Max Award Amount


Expected Allocations


Average Award (Estimated)


Matching Funds

20% cost share required, except for projects in disadvantaged or underserved communities

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