Marine Energy University Foundational R&D
Federal Agency

Water Power Technologies Office (WPTO), Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
To fund research related to marine energy and offshore wind. Marine energy is inclusive of energy from waves, tides, currents, and/or ocean thermal gradients.
Applicant and/or Project Eligibility Requirements
Domestic institutions of higher education, including minority serving institutions, are eligible to apply.
Decarbonization Considerations
Marine energy and floating offshore wind are abundant, geopgraphically diverse, and complementray to other renewable energy sources.
Equity Considerations
Undergraduate senior design and/or research project development can come from a range of disciplines. Consider projects exploring the acceptance and adoption of marine energy in remote coastal communities, especially those currently dependent on fossil fuels, and developing strategies to engage communities in marine energy utilization.
Helpful Tips
Unlike many other programs, this program allows applicants to propose activities that address the needs of the marine energy industry not covered by outlined topic areas. WPTO will consider applications in the areas of wave energy, tidal energy, or ocean thermal energy as well as an open topic area where applicants can propose activities that address the needs of the marine energy industry not covered by other topic areas.
Other Notes
This program includes the following topic areas: 1) Open-Source Marine Energy Converter (MEC) Test Platforms to Produce Open-Source Data, 2) Sustainable & Scalable Offshore Wind, Marine Energy, and Aquaculture, 3) Undergraduate Senior Design and/or Research Project Development, and 4) Open