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Low or No Emissions Vehicle Program (Low-No)

Federal Agency


Federal Transit Administration (FTA)


To support the purchase or lease of zero-emission and low-emission transit buses, including acquisition, construction, and leasing of required supporting facilities such as recharging, refueling, and maintenance facilities.

Applicant and/or Project Eligibility Requirements

Eligible applicants include designated recipients of FTA grants under the Section 5307 Urbanized Area Formula program, States, local governmental authorities, and Indian Tribes. Proposals for funding projects in rural (non-urbanized) areas may be submitted as part of a consolidated State proposal.

Decarbonization Considerations

Examples of zero-emission bus technologies include, but are not limited to, hydrogen fuel-cell buses and battery-electric buses.?

Equity Considerations

The Low-No Program will support workforce training to ensure that diesel mechanics and other transit workers are not left behind in the transition to new technology. FTA will give priority consideration to projects that support the Justice40 initiative. Applicants may use DOT’s Transportation Disadvantaged Census Tracts ( tool to identify whether the project impact area encompasses disadvantaged communities: https:// dashboards/ d6f90dfcc8b44525b04c7ce748a3674a.

Helpful Tips

In 2022, DOT funded $1.6 billion across 150 awards. Selected projects can be found here:

Other Notes

Previous projects selected:

Deadline (Announced or Anticipated)

April 25, 2024

Funding Available


Max Award Amount


Expected Allocations


Average Award (Estimated)


Matching Funds

15% cost share required

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