Industrial Demonstrations Program
Federal Agency

Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations (OCED)
To fund projects that focus on the highest emitting and hardest to abate industries where decarbonization technologies can have the greatest impact: iron and steel, cement and concrete, chemicals and refining, food and beverage, paper and forest products, aluminum, other energy-intensive manufacturing industries and cross-cutting technologies.
Applicant and/or Project Eligibility Requirements
Recipients may inlcude Technology Developers, Industry, Manufacturers, Universities, National Laboratories, Engineering and Construction firms, State and Local Governments, Environmental Groups, and Community Based Organizations. Projects must achieve emissions reduction in high emissions industrial materials production processes.
Decarbonization Considerations
To qualify, projects must achieve emissions reductions, leverage smart manufacturing technologies and principles, digital manufacturing technologies, and advanced data analytics, leverage the principles of sustainable manufacturing to minimize the potential negative environmental impacts, and/or increase the energy efficiency of industrial processes.
Equity Considerations
DOE will prioritize projects with complete community benefits plans that have been tailored through substantial engagement with local and regional stakeholders, as well as labor unions and Tribal Nations across the project lifecycle, supporting environmental justice and economic opportunity for local communities.
Helpful Tips
Read FAQ on concept paper feedback here:
Other Notes