Home Efficiency Rebate Program (State Energy Program)
Federal Agency

Office of State and Community Energy Programs (SCEP)
To help State Energy Offices develop and implement HOMES programs rebating homeowners and aggregators undertaking whole-house, energy-saving retrofits. States may use up to 20% of funds for administrative purposes.
Applicant and/or Project Eligibility Requirements
States must create a plan for providing rebates to consumers for increasing their energy savings by more than 20%. States must include a plan for community engagement, home assessments, funding for low-income households, data collection and evaluation and delivering rebates to eligible applicants.
Decarbonization Considerations
This program provides a unique opportunity to pay for whole-house efficiency retrofits. 20-35% building-wide savings triggers a rebate up to $2,000/unit or 50% of project costs, whichever is less (increased to $4,000 and 80%, respectively, for LMI households). 35%+ building-wide savings triggers a rebate up to $4,000 or 50% of project costs, whichever is less (increased to $8,000 and 80%, respectively, for LMI households).
Equity Considerations
This program can be used to increase the efficiency of low-income households, reducing bills, and providing weatherization that can improve the health and comfort of eligible residents. States may increase the maximum rebate amount available to low-income households, upon approval from DOE.
Helpful Tips
Local governments should work with State Energy Offices to ensure rebate funds are seamlessly disbursed and able to be blended with existing non-federal incentive programs.
Other Notes
This program cannot be combined with other federal rebate programs but it can be combined with 25C, the home efficiency tax credit.