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Home Electrification and Appliance Rebate Program (State Energy Program)

Federal Agency


Office of State and Community Energy Programs (SCEP)


To help State Energy Offices develop and implement programs in which eligible, income-qualified electrification projects will be rebated at the point of sale. States may use up to 20% of funds for administrative purposes.

Applicant and/or Project Eligibility Requirements

Eligible purchases include heat pumps, heat pump water heaters, heat pump dryers, electric stoves/ranges/ovens, electric load service center upgrades, insulation, air sealing, ventilation, and electric wiring. This program covers 100% of project costs (up to $14,000) for low-income households and 50% (up to $14,000) for moderate-income households.

Decarbonization Considerations

This program funds a variety of rebates on electric appliances and efficient building materials that can be combined with existing programs to increase the market for efficient electric technologies. Eligible appliances include heat pump water heaters, heat pump for heating and cooling, electric stoves, cooktops, range oven, heat pump clothes dryer. Eligible building materials include electric load service center, insulation, air sealing, ventilation, and electric wiring.

Equity Considerations

This program can be used to increase the efficiency of low-income households, reducing bills, and providing weatherization that can improve the health and comfort of eligible residents. This program is income-qualified, such that those making 80-150% of AMI are rebated up to 50% of project costs and those making less than 80% of AMI are rebated up to 100%.

Helpful Tips

Local governments should work with State Energy Offices to ensure rebate funds are seamlessly disbursed and able to be blended with existing non-federal incentive programs.

Other Notes

This program cannot be combined with other federal rebate programs but it can be combined with 25C, the home efficiency tax credit. Early administrative funding is available for SEOs to begin planning their programs. SEOs are eligible to recieve up to 2.5% of their total allocations. See the tracker of states that submitted applications: See a list of resources available for states and Tribes here:

Deadline (Announced or Anticipated)

January 1, 2024 (Full Funding Application) May 31, 2024 (Early Administrative Funding)

Funding Available

$4,275,000,000 through FY31

Max Award Amount

$14,000 per rebate recipient

Expected Allocations


Average Award (Estimated)


Matching Funds

Not required

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