Healthy Homes and Weatherization Cooperation Demonstration Program
Federal Agency

Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes (OLHCHH)
To support demonstrations in up to 6 communities that are served by both a HUD-funded LHC program and a DOE-funded WAP to demonstrate the potential advantages of the coordination of home intervention services.
Applicant and/or Project Eligibility Requirements
Only current holders of an active DOE Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) grant, WAP subgrant (not a contract or partnership) or a HUD Healthy Homes Production (HHP) grant (not an HHP sub-grantee, contract, or partnership) are eligible to apply for this HHWCD grant program.
Decarbonization Considerations
Consider prioritizing building electrification efforts (i.e., induction stovetops and heat pumps for space and water heating) that overlap with both energy conservation measures and health improvements by decreasing indoor air pollution from natural gas combustion.
Equity Considerations
Consider addressing the disparities in both energy burden and indoor air quality by prioritizing building electrification. Direct subsidization is likely required given the upfront cost premiums of building electrification. This program offers 2 points for Minority Serving Institutions.
Helpful Tips
Other Notes
Program funding expires in 2024.