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Green and Resilient Retrofit Program Leading Edge (GRRPL)

Federal Agency


Office of Housing, Office of Multifamily Housing Programs, Office of Recapitalization


To provide funding for ambitious retrofit activities to achieve an advanced green certification. Leading Edge awards complement the existing financing strategy, allowing projects to reach the highest standards of utility efficiency and climate resilience and be recognized under programs like LEED and PHIUS.

Applicant and/or Project Eligibility Requirements

Eligible recipients generally include owners or sponsors of federally assisted housing properties.

Decarbonization Considerations

The owner must be pursuing net zero green certifications with respect to the property. Such certifications include 1) National Green Building Standard Green: Gold or Emerald, with Green+ Net Zero Energy or Resilience designation, 2) Passive House (PHIUS+) ZERO or ZERO REVIVE, 3) Passive House Institute EnerPHit, 4) LEED v4 Gold or Platinum, with LEED Zero Carbon or LEED Zero Energy designation, 5) LEED v4.1 Multifamily or Multifamily Core+Shell Silver or higher, with Zero Energy or Zero Carbon designation, 6) Department of Energy Zero Energy Ready Multifamily, with renewable energy capacity sufficient to offset expected annual energy consumption, etc.

Equity Considerations

This program can be used to increase the resilience and efficiency of affordable housing properties, reducing bills and risk for low-income residents. Applicants are required to submit a narrative demonstrating how the proposed projects will benefit persons or communities or color and how it will advance racial equity.

Helpful Tips


Other Notes

See previous awardees under "Leading Edge"

Deadline (Announced or Anticipated)

There are four application review periods, with application deadline of July 31, 2023, October 31, 2023, January 31, 2024, and Apri 30, 2024

Funding Available


Max Award Amount

$10,000,000 per property or $60,000 per unit

Expected Allocations


Average Award (Estimated)


Matching Funds

Not required

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