Electric Drive Vehicle Battery Recycling and Second-Life Applications Program
Federal Agency

Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy (EERE)
To improve the recycling rates and second-use adoption rates of electric vehicle batteries; to optimize the design and adaptability of electric vehicle batteries to make electric vehicle batteries more easily recyclable; to establish alternative supply chains for critical materials that are found in electric vehicle batteries; to reduce the cost of manufacturing, installation, purchase, operation, and maintenance of electric vehicle batteries; to improve the environmental impact of electric vehicle battery recycling processes.
Applicant and/or Project Eligibility Requirements
Eligible applicants include institutions of higher education, National Laboratories, nonprofit and for-profit private entities, state and local governments, and consortia of these entities. Applications should fall within 1 of 2 topics: (1) Improving the economics of transportation, dismantling, and preprocessing of electric drive vehicle batteries, (2) Recycling of electric drive vehicle battery accessory components.
Decarbonization Considerations
Battery recycling would repurpose existing materials and increase the supply of usable batteries, enabling widespread electrification.
Equity Considerations
In awarding grants under the Secretary shall give priority to projects that are located in geographically diverse regions of the United States and support the development or demonstration of projects in economically distressed areas.
Helpful Tips
To better understand potential pathways for battery second use, check out NREL's ongoing research: https://www.nrel.gov/transportation/battery-second-use.html
Other Notes
DOE highlights two key topic areas: 1. Advanced Materials Separation, Scale-Up, and Reintegration for Lithium-Ion Battery Recycling for the Battery Supply Chain 2. Second Use Scale-Up Demonstration Projects