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Smart Grid Grants (GRIP)

Federal Agency


Office of Electricity (OE)


To fund grid investments that provide flexibility and help quickly rebalance the electrical system, facilitate the aggregation or integration of distributed energy resources, provide energy storage, provide voltage support, and anticipate and mitigate impacts of extreme weather events or natural disasters on grid resilience.

Applicant and/or Project Eligibility Requirements

Eligible applicants include electric utilities, such as investor-owned utilities, municipality-owned utilities; Load serving entities, or load distribution companies, which provide electricity distribution services; Retail distributors or marketers of electricity which sell electricity to consumers; System operators which coordinate, control, and monitor the operation of the electrical power transmission systems within a single state or region; and Manufacturers of appliances and equipment to enable smart grid functionalities. Projects must promote the goal of deployment, including development of component technologies.

Decarbonization Considerations

This program helps to implement the necessary upgrades to the electric grid enabling it to work more efficiently and be more resilient, as well as making it capable to effectively integrate renewable and energy efficient technologies and demand management practices. Applicants should partner with utilities to identify local and regional needs.

Equity Considerations

Applicants should consider partnering with utilities to train a next-generation smart grid workforce.

Helpful Tips


Other Notes

This program falls under the broader Grid Resilience and Innovation Partnerships (GRIP) Program. See more at: See previous awardees here:

Deadline (Announced or Anticipated)

January 12, 2024 (Concept Paper); April 17, 2024 (Full Application)

Funding Available


Max Award Amount

$50 million, except (a) Projects that aggregate multiple utility service territories: $100 million (b) Projects that deploy advanced conductors for transmission line capacity improvement at scale: $250 million

Expected Allocations


Average Award (Estimated)


Matching Funds

50% cost share required

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