Cooperative Agreement to Facilitate Coordination Between DOE-NE and Energy Communities, Vital Constituencies, and Educational Groups
Federal Agency

Office of Nuclear Energy (NE)
To seek partners that can help NE advance its primary missions of maintaining the current nuclear fleet, developing and deploying advanced nuclear reactor technologies, and tackling spent nuclear fuel storage. These partners will, with an emphasis on environmental justice, work with local energy communities, educational entities, and other constituencies to find opportunities to accomplish the shared mission of utilizing nuclear energy to advance national and international energy, environmental, and economic needs.
Applicant and/or Project Eligibility Requirements
Broad eligibility
Decarbonization Considerations
NE aims "to advance nuclear power as a resource capable of contributing toward the nation’s energy supply, environmental, and national security needs." While sometimes contentious, nuclear energy is a carbon-free method of generating electricity.
Equity Considerations
This program is governed by the J40 Executive Order. NE will "work with partners to reach out to underserved communities that could benefit from nuclear energy projects ensuring that the growth clean energy projects produce is equitably delivered." Program A authorizes applicants to foster engagement [with disadvantaged] energy communities. Program B authorizes applicants to (1) develop policy to support just and equitable deployment of nuclear technology and the siting of spent fuel; (2) synthesize and communicate research allowing communities to better understand and deploy nuclear technologies; and (3) engage with underserved communities to promote an equitable distribution of opportunities in nuclear energy.
Helpful Tips
Applcants will be judged based on Technical and Management Capabilities (50%) and Quality of Proposal (50%). It may be desirable (1) to award a group of organizations which represents a diversity of technical approaches, methods, Applications, and/or market segments; (2) to support complementary and/or duplicative efforts or projects; (3) that different kinds and sizes of organizations be selected for Award in order to provide a balanced programmatic effort and a variety of different technical perspectives; and (4) to award a group of projects with a broad or specific geographic distribution.
Other Notes
Awards under this agreement take the form of "cooperative agreements" between DE and constituent groups.