Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ)
Federal Agency

Federal Highway Administration (FHA)
To support most low-carbon transportation modes including public transit, active transportation, electrification, and port and freight pollution mitigation.
Applicant and/or Project Eligibility Requirements
Proposed projects or programs must have a high level of effectiveness in reducing air pollution and be included in the metropolitan planning organization’s (MPO’s) current transportation plan and transportation improvement program (TIP) or the current state transportation improvement program (STIP) in areas without an MPO.
Decarbonization Considerations
CMAQ supports two important US DOT goals: improving air quality and relieving congestion. Since some congestion relief projects also reduce idling, the negative emissions impacts of "stop and go" driving, and the number of vehicles on the road, they also improve air quality. Based on their emissions reductions, these types of projects are eligible for CMAQ funding. Applicants should consider projects that reduce vehicle miles traveled (VMT), encourage multi-modal transportation options, and encourage lower-emitting vehicles. The 2021 IIJA expands eligibility to shared micro-mobility (bikeshares, shared scooter systems, etc.) and heavy- or medium-duty Zero Emission Vehicles.
Equity Considerations
In order to effectively and equitably reduce vehicles on the road, understand which communities lack reasonable and convenient access to transit and multi-modal options. This could include additional collaboration with frontline communities and other stakeholders to address both procedural and distributional equity concerns.
Helpful Tips
The funding flows through state transportation agencies to local governments. Local governments and non-state partners should ensure that state agencies understand local and regional needs.
Other Notes
See previously funded projects here: