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Community Project Funding (CPF)

Federal Agency


U.S. House of Representatives


To support a broad array of projects for infrastructure and community development to meet local and regional needs.

Applicant and/or Project Eligibility Requirements

Members of Congress may submit 15 qualified local projects to be considered by the Appropriations Committee. Among other requirements, Members must identify the "federal nexus" authorizing each project and demonstrate each project's merit and community support. For-profit entities and commemorative projects are ineligible for CPF. Each project must be for the current fiscal year only and cannot include multiyear funding.

Decarbonization Considerations

While not explicitly oriented toward clean energy and climate action, CPF is a general source of funding that may be used to advance such projects. Accordingly, you have ample leeway to use CPF to meet your city’s needs. Projects funded in recent years include floating solar, heat pump campaigns, solar workforce training, and community cooling. To learn more about these examples, check out:

Equity Considerations

This flexible program can help transform communities and create broad economic opportunity. Consult disadvantaged and vulnerable community groups to ensure your funding is allocated most equitably.

Helpful Tips

While planning projects are eligible for funding, CPF prioritizes projects that are "shovel-ready" and "shovel-worthy." Coordinate early with congressional representatives to ensure that projects are aligned with their priorities, as well as community needs. Given the current political leadership in the House of Representatives, applicants may benefit by framing their projects as tangible, community-supported, and rational from a cost-benefit perspective. For additional insights into this process, check out:

Other Notes

CPF is similar to ""earmarks,"" which were discontinued in 2009. This program is subject to congressional direction, rules, requirements, and process may evolve each year. For example, the Republican majority substantially redesigned the program for FY24. Note: Some representatives have abstained from participating in this request process. Check with your representative to confirm their participation and process. Funded projects can be found here:

Deadline (Announced or Anticipated)

Varies by committee, but typically in late March each year. Requests are typically sought months sooner by Congressional offices.

Funding Available

No more than 0.5% of discretionary spending

Max Award Amount


Expected Allocations


Average Award (Estimated)


Matching Funds


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