Combined Heat and Power Technical Assistance Partnership Program (CHP TAP)
Federal Agency

Advanced Manufacturing Office (AMO)
To encourage deployment of combined heat and power, waste heat to power, and efficient district energy technologies by providing education and outreach to building, industry, and utility professionals, state and local policymakers, and other individuals and organizations as relevant. Support also includes onsite assessments and engineering support in addition to general informational activities. Redesignates the Clean Energy Application Centers of DOE as the CHP Technical Assistance Program.
Applicant and/or Project Eligibility Requirements
Eligible applicants include institutions of higher education, research centers, and other appropriate institutions to ensure the continued operations and effectiveness of the regional CHP Technical Assistance Partnerships.
Decarbonization Considerations
Combined heat and power, also known as cogeneration, improves energy efficiency by capturing heat that is otherwise lost during the electric power generation process and uses this heat for heating and cooling services. CHP operates at higher efficiency levels than when heat and electricity are provided separately and may use both fossil and renewable fuels. Decarbonization strategies supported by this program include identifying candidates for the deployment of CHP technologies, hybrid renewable-CHP technologies, biomass CHP, microgrids, and clean energy. Education and outreach activities provided to building, industrial, and electric and natural gas utility professionals; state and local policymakers; and other individuals and organizations with an interest in efficient energy use, local or opportunity fuel use, resiliency, or energy security, microgrids, and district energy.
Equity Considerations
See the "Equity Design Considerations for Federal Funding" for general considerations and additional sector-based resources:
Helpful Tips
Funding will continue to go through ten existing CHP Technical Assistance Partnerships. Local entities with an interest in CHP support and assessments should reach out to their regional contact:
Other Notes