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Climate Ready Workforce for Coastal States, Tribes, and Territories Competition

Federal Agency


National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)


To assist communities in coastal and Great Lakes states and territories so they may form partnerships that train workers and place them into jobs that enhance climate resilience.

Applicant and/or Project Eligibility Requirements

This opportunity is open to state, tribal, territorial and local governments, institutions of higher education, and non-profit organizations in coastal states or territories.

Decarbonization Considerations

Applicants can use funds to develop or fill "good jobs that enhance climate resilience" in multiple ways. Examples of such jobs include heat-health outreach specialists/assistants, nurses, and home health coordinators, crews that can address coastal erosion using nature-based solutions, grant managers who can help solicit, write and manage grants to improve climate resilience in underserved communities, transportation analysts, water resource planners, resilience landscape technicians, and environmental inspectors.

Equity Considerations

NOAA heavily prioritizes efforts to reach individuals from historically underserved communities, to benefit disadvantaged communities, and to remove barriers that prevent members of communities with environmental justice concerns involving decision-making process.

Helpful Tips

Developing a strong collaboration network with various partners is essential to optimize the impact. It takes time to build a collaboration. Interested applicants are encouraged to engage with potential partners as soon as possible.

Other Notes

Cost sharing is not required for this competition. However, cost sharing, leveraged funds, and in-kind support will make projects more competitive. See previous awardees here:

Deadline (Announced or Anticipated)

November 30, 2023 (Letter of Intent); February 13, 2024 (Full Application)

Funding Available


Max Award Amount


Expected Allocations


Average Award (Estimated)


Matching Funds

Not required

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